Dear colleague

As we continue to do all we can to keep our people safe through the coronavirus pandemic, I want to encourage you to participate in the vaccination programme. As this further rolls out across the country, we will do all we can so support you when the offer of a vaccination is made via the NHS.

Having the vaccine will help protect you and will also help protect your loved ones. Encouraging as many colleagues as possible to have the vaccine and letting us know when you have had yours will also help us to keep our sites and depots safe and protect the business.

Where possible, vaccination appointments should be taken outside of work time. Where this is not possible, we will support you by enabling you to take a short period of paid time (of up to two hours) away from your role to have your vaccination. To help us manage business requirements and ensure you get the support you need, you will need to let your manager know as soon as you receive details of your appointment date and time.

To help us control the risk from coronavirus, we would like to see a copy of your vaccination card once you have had your appointment – this will tell us the date of your vaccine, the type of vaccine and the batch number. We would like to capture this detail on a secure database. Sharing this with us is voluntary, but the more colleagues who provide it, the more accurate we can be in tracking vaccination levels by site and business unit. Having this insight will help us make decisions, including where we may need to conduct ongoing lateral flow testing.

I want to thank you for your ongoing support and hard work through this challenging period. The vaccination programme is a key step in helping us to further reduce the spread of the virus. The NHS will get in touch with you directly when it is your turn to be vaccinated. I’ll be having the vaccine when I get the opportunity and I’d encourage you to do the same.

If you have any queries, concerns or would just like more advice, you can speak to your manager, your local HR or Occupational Health team. If you prefer, you can make use of Talk2Us – our peer-to-peer confidential listening service – by phone on 01246 385290 or email [email protected]

By working together and all playing our part, we can help beat the virus. You can find out more about the roll-out progamme at


Guy Dullage
Chief People Officer

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