Pictured is Neil Shawcross, SHE Manager and Danny Wilkinson, Prep Coordinator at Greencore Manton Wood.
Our team at Manton Wood were keen to reach out and support Danny’s rugby club, Meden Vale, in getting back on its feet as the Covid pandemic restrictions reduce. The site is supplying his team with a full season team first aid and taping kit which we hope will go some way to supporting them.
Danny said “We at Meden Vale are an amateur club that relies heavily on player contribution and sponsorship to survive. With the pandemic taking over the majority of last season and all of the current one, we have been unable to generate the usual funding through player subs and tax. We have also had a significant drop in the level of player sponsorship for the last couple of seasons and have not been able to have charity fundraisers etc. Now we are “finally” getting back to rugby in the next few weeks, the donation you have made will massively support in the club’s road to restarting the training and fixtures. Meden Vale and myself thank you enormously for your support”.
The clubs rugby manager added “With the new RFU RugbySafe initiative, as a club we are focusing significantly on the wellbeing and welfare of all our players, from seniors to juniors. Having conducted a needs analysis in the club around significant improvements we can action quickly, match day/training safety is something we have identified. We are committed to being a RugbySafe club and your donation will help enormously in our efforts.”