This month, we celebrate Pride.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride is celebrated in June and as part of our inclusion calendar, our colleagues chose for us to celebrate the month for the first time this year.

Pride began in 1969 after the Stonewall Rising – a six-day protest following police raids at the Stone Wall club in Manhattan. Since then, parades and events have been part of global Pride celebrations, annually.

We will be celebrating throughout the month of June with a series of materials and events to further educate and support our colleagues.

The History of Pride Webinar

 On Wednesday, 9 June at 12pm, we will be hosting a webinar ‘The History of Pride’. Led by Senior HR Advisor and Catalyst Group Member Gillian Zariffis – this event will look at the origins of Pride and how it has shaped the culture we live in today.

Supporting you and your sexuality

If you would benefit from support or want to talk to someone about your sexuality, you can contact Stonewall who can help find LGBTQ+ mental health services in your area at or Switchboard, who provide a one-stop listening service for LGBTQ+ people on 0330 3300630. You can also contact our peer-to-peer support service, Talk2Us at [email protected] or charity partner GroceryAid at

The rest of this month

Throughout the rest of June, we want to help raise awareness, further educate with support materials and share relevant stories from our colleagues. Keep an eye out on your emails and our social media channels where we will be sharing more of this information.

We’d love to hear how you and your colleagues are celebrating Pride – are you hosting a wear rainbow day? Will you get your team together for a Pride based quiz? Will you be joining our webinar? Share your story at [email protected]

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