Financial KPIs

Key Performance Indicators


The Group has identified these financial KPIs to measure progress of our strategic priorities in delivering profitability, returns and cash flow.

Following the disposal of our US business, the majority of these KPIs are shown on a continuing basis except for Adjusted EPS and Free Cash Flow which are shown as total measures. Although the measures are separate, the relationship between them is also monitored.

Link to remuneration

The remuneration of Executive Directors is aligned closely with our financial KPIs through the Company’s Performance Share Plan (‘PSP’) and Annual Bonus Plan (‘ABP’). The performance element of the PSPs is measured on two fundamental KPIs, ROIC and Adjusted EPS, as well as Total Shareholder Return. The financial performance element of the ABP is also measured on ROIC and Adjusted EPS, however, for awards granted from FY20 onwards, they will be replaced with Adjusted Operating Profit and Free Cash Flow. Therefore, from FY20, four out of the six financial KPIs will be used to monitor the performance payouts. The performance against all of the financial and non-financial KPIs is taken into account when considering the personal and strategic element of the ABP. Further information can be found in our Report on Directors’ Remuneration.

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