NHS Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is delighted to be involved in working with our local employers and employees in Bassetlaw.

Our local NHS, partners and the third sector have been working collaboratively to deliver a new mobile approach to engage with the working population in Bassetlaw by utilising the Bassetlaw Health Bus to visit local organisations to improve access to advice about improving health and wellbeing.

On the 2nd June 2021 the Bassetlaw health bus attended Greencore in Worksop to promote the NHS COVID Vaccination Programme and encourage as many people as possible to get vaccinated to reduce the risks of COVID-19.  The vaccine provides long-term protection against the virus and helps protect our friends, families and local communities.  All those over 25, or in the eligible cohorts who have not yet been vaccinated, are still urged to book an appointment as soon as they can.  People who have already had the first dose of vaccine are also being encouraged not to delay in getting their second dose when it is offered to them

With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, individuals are also being urged to get a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test as soon as possible if they have any symptoms of Coronavirus, however mild they may be. Symptoms are any of the following:

– a high temperature,

– a new, continuous cough

– loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

PCR testing is available locally and appointments can easily be booked by phoning 119 or online via www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test  People with symptoms and anyone they live with must stay at home and self-isolate until they get their result.

During the day further engagement was undertaken to signpost employees to appropriate health and mental health services in Bassetlaw along with information being provided around self-care, seeking advice from local pharmacies, the NHS 111 service and registering with a GP practice to ensure everyone has access to the right care at the right time.

The event was also used as a great opportunity to raise awareness around important local initiatives such as Nottinghamshire MIND, Bassetlaw Action Centre Men’s Walk and Talk group, the importance of Cancer Screening and key messages together with information on Social Prescribing in Bassetlaw.

The health bus is an innovative way to engage with the local population and the feedback received will also help the CCG understand people’s experience of accessing and using local NHS and community services.

Following the success of the engagement event further work is being planned to engage with the local public and other organisations in Bassetlaw.


Download the press release here.

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